NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Registration
  • Request a Token
  • Rate Limiting
  • Pickup Locations
  • Products
  • Pickup Jobs
  • Schemas
  • Errors
  • Introduction

    This is the official documentation of RedMart's Marketplace Partner API. Using this private API, you'll be able to manage your inventory, products, orders, pickups and more!

    We provide language bindings in Shell. You can view code samples in the dark pane on the right.


    We will list any changes to the current version of the API here.

    Date Details of changes
    2023-08-10 Adds Pickup Jobs API
    Adds new scope for pickup jobs query
    Adds new rate limits for pickup jobs query
    2018-07-06 Pre-release of RedMart Partner API Document Version 1
    2018-07-13 Renames Stocks as Stock Lots
    Identifies each Stock Lot by their new id field (rather than the previously used availableForPickupFrom)
    Adds the error response code 409 Conflict in Update one Stock Lot
    2018-08-02 Adds OAuth 2 scopes to all endpoints to manage access rights of applications
    Lists all available Environments
    2018-08-28 Adds Rate Limiting section


    We currently provide the Partner API in one environment, Production.

    Environment Hostname


    The Partner API uses the OAuth2 authorization framework and supports the Client Credentials flow.

    In a nutshell :

    1. Contact RedMart Partner Support at to register your Client Application
    2. Save (securely) your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET into your Client Application's database
    3. Client Application requests an Access Token from Partner API using its CLIENT_ID and CLIENT SECRET
    4. Client Application uses the Access Token to call Partner API endpoints
    5. Once Client Application starts receiving 401 Unauthorized responses to its calls, it means the Access Token has expired. It then needs to request another Access Token (step 3)

    Request a Token

    To request a token, use this code:

    curl --include -X POST \
         "https://{HOSTNAME}/oauth2/token" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
         --data "grant_type=client_credentials" \
         --data "client_id={MY_CLIENT_ID}" \
         --data "client_secret={MY_CLIENT_SECRET}" \
         --data "scope={scopes}"
    // TODO

    Make sure to replace {MY_CLIENT_ID} and {MY_CLIENT_SECRET} with the actual values provided during Registration and {scopes} with a space-separated list of scopes.

    The Client Application makes a request to the /oauth2/token endpoint by sending the following parameters in the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format

    Parameter Required Description
    client_id true The Client ID provided during Registration
    client_secret true The Client Secret provided during Registration
    grant_type true The value MUST be set to "client_credentials"
    scope true A space-separated list of scopes, e.g. read:product read:pickup-location

    200 OK response:

      "token_type": "bearer",
      "access_token": "{access-token}",
      "expires_in": 7200 // this is in seconds


    To call any endpoint of this API, your access token needs to have access to the scope that this specific endpoint requires. As a best practice, you should always only request the smallest possible set of scopes for your application to work. This ensures the smallest possible impact in case anything goes wrong (see also Principle of least privilege).

    Scope Scope Description
    read:pickup-location Grants access to view details of a pickup location
    read:product Grants access to view details of a product
    read:stock-lot Grants access to view stock lots of a product
    write:stock-lot Grants access to update stock lots of a product
    read:pickup-job Grants access to view pickup jobs of a store

    Rate Limiting

    Each endpoint of this API limits how many times you can call it per second. Below is a summary of all existing endpoints and their respective rate limit.

    Endpoint Max number of calls per second
    Get all Pickup Locations 10
    Get one Pickup Location 10
    Get all Products 10
    Get one Product 10
    Get all Stock Lots 10
    Get one Stock Lot 10
    Update one Stock Lot 10
    Get Pickup Jobs 1
    Get one Pickup Job 10

    Each (successful) response from the above endpoints contains 2 headers you can monitor to help control your rate

    http Header Example Value Description
    X-RateLimit-Limit-second 10 max number of calls per second allowed for this particular endpoint. Always the same value.
    X-RateLimit-Remaining-second 9 max remaining number of calls allowed in the current second for this particular endpoint.

    If you exceed the rate limit of a particular endpoint, it'll keep responding http code 429 until the current second is passed.

    Pickup Locations

    A Product can be picked from within one Pickup Location. A Marketplace Seller can have several Pickup Locations.

    Get all Pickup Locations

    Code samples

    curl --include -X GET \
         "https://{HOSTNAME}/v1/pickup-locations?page=1&pageSize=50" \
         -H 'Accept: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
    // TODO

    GET /v1/pickup-locations

    Querying and filtering pickup locations

    Query Parameters

    Parameter In Required Default Description
    page query false 1 The page number, must be >= 1
    pageSize query false 50 Number of items on one page, must be >= 1 and <= 100

    200 Response

      "page": 1,
      "pageSize": 50,
      "items": [
          "addressLine1": "1 Main Street",
          "city": "Singapore",
          "name": "ABC Merchant",
          "country": "Singapore",
          "postalCode": "123456",
          "id": "23789",
          "addressLine2": "#02-15"
      "total": 1


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Page*PickupLocation*

    Get one Pickup Location

    Code samples

    curl --include -X GET \
         "https://{HOSTNAME}/v1/pickup-locations/{pickupLocationId}" \
         -H 'Accept: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
    // TODO

    GET /v1/pickup-locations/{pickupLocationId}

    Querying the details of a specific pickup location

    Path Parameters

    Parameter In Required Description
    pickupLocationId path true The unique Identifier of the pickup-location, in the response example it's the value 23789

    200 Response

      "addressLine1": "1 Main Street",
      "city": "Singapore",
      "name": "ABC Merchant",
      "country": "Singapore",
      "postalCode": "123456",
      "id": "23789",
      "addressLine2": "#02-15"

    404 Response

      "title": "The requested resource could not be found"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK PickupLocation
    404 Not Found Not Found Problem


    The Products API allows you to retrieve Products and update their inventory stocks.

    Get all Products

    Code samples

    curl --include -X GET \
         "https://{HOSTNAME}/v1/products?page=1&pageSize=50&pickupLocationIds=23789,23790" \
         -H 'Accept: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
    // TODO

    GET /v1/products

    Query and filter products

    Query Parameters

    Parameter In Type Required Description
    page query integer false Page to start returning results from, must be >= 1
    pageSize query integer false Number of items on one page, must be >= 1 and <= 100
    pickupLocations query array[string] false The unique ids of pickup locations you want to retrieve the products from (comma-separated)

    200 Response

      "page": 1,
      "pageSize": 50,
      "items": [
          "barcodes": ["111122223333"],
          "status": {
            "type": "Enabled"
          "title": "Chocolate Cereals",
          "rpc": 100150,
          "pickupLocations": [
              "id": "23789"
          "productCode": "abc-merch-specific-choc-cereals-code"
          "barcodes": ["444455556666"],
          "status": {
            "type": "Disabled"
          "title": "Apple Cereals",
          "rpc": 100151,
          "pickupLocations": [
              "id": "23789"
          "productCode": "abc-merch-specific-choc-cereals-code"
          "barcodes": ["444455556666"],
          "status": {
            "type": "Discontinued"
          "title": "Fresh Orange Juice",
          "rpc": 120350,
          "pickupLocations": [
              "id": "23790"
          "productCode": "abc-merch-specific-orange-juice-code"
      "total": 3


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Page*Product*

    Get one Product

    Get one Product by RPC (RPC stands for 'RedMart Product Code')

    Code samples

    curl --include -X GET \
         "https://{HOSTNAME}/v1/products/{productId}" \
         -H 'Accept: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
    // TODO

    GET /v1/products/{productId}

    Querying the details of a specific product by RPC

    Path Parameters

    Parameter In Type Required Description
    productId path string true the RPC of the Product (so the RedMart-specific code, not the merchant-specific code)

    200 Response

      "barcodes": ["111122223333"],
      "status": {
        "type": "Enabled"
      "title": "Chocolate Cereals",
      "rpc": 100150,
      "pickupLocations": [
          "id": "23789"
      "productCode": "abc-merch-specific-choc-cereals-code"

    404 Response

      "title": "The requested resource could not be found"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Product
    400 Bad Request Bad Request Problem
    404 Not Found Not Found Problem

    Get all Stock Lots

    With this endpoint, retrieve all Stock Lots of a given product. For now, RedMart supports only one Stock Lot per product.

    Code samples

    curl --include -X GET \
         "https://{HOSTNAME}/v1/products/{productId}/pickup-locations/{pickupLocationId}/stock-lots" \
         -H 'Accept: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
    // TODO

    GET /v1/products/{productId}/pickup-locations/{pickupLocationId}/stock-lots

    Querying all in-store stock lots levels for a specific product in a specific pickup location

    Path Parameters

    Parameter In Type Required Description
    productId path string true the RPC of the Product (so the RedMart-specific code, not the merchant-specific code)
    pickupLocationId path string true The unique id of the pickup location where the product is stored

    200 Response

        "id": "0",
        "quantityAtPickupLocation": 10,
        "quantityScheduledForPickup": 2,
        "quantityAvailableForSale": 8


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK Inline
    400 Bad Request Bad Request Problem
    404 Not Found Not Found Problem

    200 Response Schema

    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    [StockLot] false none none
    id string true none Identifier of the requested Stock Lot. For now always hardcoded to "0" (please note the String type, do not always expect it to be a number !)
    quantityAtPickupLocation integer(int32) true none Number of items available in the pickup location
    quantityScheduledForPickup integer(int32) true none Number of items that are scheduled for pickup in the next few days
    quantityAvailableForSale integer(int32) true none Number of items that can currently still be ordered by customers

    Get one Stock Lot

    For now, RedMart supports only one Stock Lot per Product.

    Code samples

    curl --include -X GET \
         "https://{HOSTNAME}/v1/products/{productId}/pickup-locations/{pickupLocationId}/stock-lots/0" \
         -H 'Accept: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
    // TODO

    GET /v1/products/{productId}/pickup-locations/{pickupLocationId}/stock-lots/0

    Querying in-store stock levels for a product in a specific pickup location

    Path Parameters

    Parameter In Type Required Description
    productId path string true the RPC of the Product (so the RedMart-specific code, not the merchant-specific code)
    pickupLocationId path string true The unique id of the pickup location where the product is stored
    id path string true Identifier of the requested Stock Lot. For now always hardcoded to "0" (please note the String type, do not always expect it to be a number !)

    200 Response

      "id": "0",
      "quantityAtPickupLocation": 10,
      "quantityScheduledForPickup": 2,
      "quantityAvailableForSale": 8

    404 Response

      "title": "The requested resource could not be found"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK StockLot
    400 Bad Request Bad Request Problem
    404 Not Found Not Found Problem

    Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    200 ETag string Identifier that describes the latest state of this resource

    Update one Stock Lot

    Code samples

    curl --include -X PATCH \
         "https://{HOSTNAME}/v1/products/{productId}/pickup-locations/{pickupLocationId}/stock-lots/0" \
         -H 'Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json' \
         -H 'Accept: application/json' \
         -H 'If-Match: "10"' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}' \
         --data '{"quantityAtPickupLocation": 20}'
    // TODO

    PATCH /v1/products/{productId}/pickup-locations/{pickupLocationId}/stock-lots/0

    Updating a specific in-store stock lot's level for an RPC in a specific pickup location

    Body parameter

      "quantityAtPickupLocation": 20

    Path and Header Parameters

    Parameter In Type Required Description
    productId path string true the RPC of the Product (so the RedMart-specific code, not the merchant-specific code)
    pickupLocationId path string true The unique id of the pickup location where the product is stored
    id path string true Identifier of the requested Stock Lot. For now always hardcoded to "0" (please note the String type, do not always expect it to be a number !)
    If-Match header string true The update request will only be processed if this value matches the latest ETag value of the resource (see Response Headers section of the Get one Stock Lot endpoint)
    body body StockLotUpdate true StockLotUpdate

    200 Response

      "id": "0",
      "quantityAtPickupLocation": 20,
      "quantityScheduledForPickup": 2,
      "quantityAvailableForSale": 18

    409 Response

      "title": "the request conflicted with the current state of the resource"

    412 Response

      "title": "the If-Match condition evaluated to false"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK StockLot
    400 Bad Request Bad Request Problem
    404 Not Found Not Found Problem
    409 Conflict The quantityAtPickupLocation value in your request is strictly lower than the quantityScheduledForPickup value. Set quantityAtPickupLocation to be at least equal to quantityScheduledForPickup before resubmitting. Problem
    412 Precondition Failed The Stock Lot level has changed since the last time you read it, which may result in an inconsistent state. Re-read the Stock Lot, fetch its Etag and update your If-Match header before resubmitting. Problem

    Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    200 ETag string Identifier that describes the latest state of this resource

    Pickup Jobs

    The Pickup Jobs API allows you to retrieve scheduled or completed pickup jobs.

    Get Pickup Jobs

    Code samples

    curl --include -X GET \
         "https://{HOSTNAME}/v1/pickup-jobs?from=1682870400000&till=1685548800000&statuses=pending" \
         -H 'Accept: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
    // TODO

    GET /v1/pickup-jobs

    Query and filter pickup jobs. Maximum allowable date range query is 31 days. Unable to retrieve data older than 180 days.

    Query Parameters

    Parameter In Type Required Description
    from query integer true Epoch milliseconds of start of date range query
    till query integer false Epoch milliseconds of end of date range query
    statuses query array[string] false Comma-separated job statuses that you want to include. Refer to JobStatus for valid statuses

    200 Response

        "scheduledAt": 1684135189000,
        "qtyFulfilledCount": 12 // sum of qtyFulfilled of Salmon (10) and qtyFulfilled of Curry (2),
        "amendabilityCutOffDate": 1684135989000,
        "preferredPickupTime": "13:00-17:00",
        "items": [
            "name": "Salmon",
            "qtyFulfilled": 10,
            "sku": "19739731408",
            "size": "2.5 kg",
            "shipmentsInfo": [
                "qty": 5,
                "orderId": "49e74qjnkprp1to4"
                "qty": 6,
                "orderId": "49e74qjn1prp1to4"
            "minimumExpiryDate": 1770357600000,
            "qty": 11,
            "vpc": "19739731408",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "rpc": 123456
            "name": "Curry",
            "qtyFulfilled": 2,
            "sku": "19739731408",
            "size": "2.5 kg",
            "shipmentsInfo": [
                "qty": 2,
                "orderId": "49e74qjnkprp1to4"
            "minimumExpiryDate": 1770357600000,
            "qty": 2,
            "vpc": "19739731408",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "rpc": 123456
        "pickedAt": 1684136189000,
        "id": 123,
        "status": "pickedup",
        "category": "Dry",
        "qtyCount": 13 // sum of qty of Salmon (11) and qty of Curry (2)


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK List of PickupJob
    400 Bad Request Bad Request Problem

    Get Pickup Job

    Code samples

    curl --include -X GET \
         "https://{HOSTNAME}/v1/pickup-jobs/{pickupJobId}" \
         -H 'Accept: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
    // TODO

    GET /v1/pickup-jobs/{pickupJobId}

    Querying one pickup job by pickupJobId

    Path Parameters

    Parameter In Type Required Description
    pickupJobId path string true Unique identifier of pickup job

    200 Response

      "scheduledAt": 1684135189000,
      "qtyFulfilledCount": 10,
      "amendabilityCutOffDate": 1684135989000,
      "preferredPickupTime": "13:00-17:00",
      "items": [
          "name": "Salmon",
          "qtyFulfilled": 10,
          "sku": "19739731408",
          "size": "2.5 kg",
          "shipmentsInfo": [
              "qty": 5,
              "orderId": "49e74qjnkprp1to4"
              "qty": 6,
              "orderId": "49e74qjn1prp1to4"
          "minimumExpiryDate": 1770357600000,
          "qty": 11,
          "vpc": "19739731408",
          "imageUrl": "",
          "rpc": 123456
      "pickedAt": 1684136189000,
      "id": 123,
      "status": "pickedup",
      "category": "Dry",
      "qtyCount": 11

    404 Response

      "title": "Could not find store or pickup job"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK OK PickupJob
    404 Not Found Pickup job associated with store not Found Problem


    All schemas referenced in the APIs documented above


      "addressLine1": "string",
      "city": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "country": "string",
      "postalCode": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "addressLine2": "string"



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    addressLine1 string true none none
    city string true none none
    name string true none none
    country string true none none
    postalCode string true none none
    id string true none none
    addressLine2 string true none none


      "quantityAtPickupLocation": 0



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    quantityAtPickupLocation integer(int32) true none Number of items available in the pickup location


      "title": "string"



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    title string true none none


      "id": "string"



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    id string true none none


      "barcodes": ["string"],
      "status": {
        "type": "Enabled"
      "title": "string",
      "rpc": 0,
      "pickupLocations": [
          "id": "string"
      "productCode": "string"



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    barcodes [string] true none none
    status Status true none none
    title string true none none
    rpc integer(int64) true none The RPC (RedMart Product Code) of an item
    pickupLocations [PickupLocationId] true none none
    productCode string true none Custom product code as defined by the seller


      "type": "Disabled"



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    type string true none none

    Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    type Disabled
    type Discontinued
    type Enabled

    Stock Lot

      "id": "0",
      "quantityAtPickupLocation": 0,
      "quantityScheduledForPickup": 0,
      "quantityAvailableForSale": 0



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    id string true none Identifier of the Stock Lot. For now always hardcoded to "0"
    quantityAtPickupLocation integer(int32) true none Number of items available in the pickup location
    quantityScheduledForPickup integer(int32) true none Number of items that are scheduled for pickup in the next few days
    quantityAvailableForSale integer(int32) true none Number of items that can currently still be ordered by customers


      "page": 0,
      "pageSize": 0,
      "items": [
          "addressLine1": "string",
          "city": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "country": "string",
          "postalCode": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "addressLine2": "string"
      "total": 0



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    page integer(int32) true none none
    pageSize integer(int32) true none none
    items [PickupLocation] true none none
    total integer(int32) false none none


      "page": 0,
      "pageSize": 0,
      "items": [
          "barcodes": ["string"],
          "status": {
            "type": "Enabled"
          "title": "string",
          "rpc": 0,
          "pickupLocations": [
              "addressLine1": "string",
              "city": "string",
              "name": "string",
              "country": "string",
              "postalCode": "string",
              "id": "string",
              "addressLine2": "string"
          "productCode": "string"
      "total": 0



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    page integer(int32) true none none
    pageSize integer(int32) true none none
    items [Product] true none none
    total integer(int32) false none none


      "scheduledAt": 1684135189000,
      "qtyFulfilledCount": 12 // sum of qtyFulfilled of Salmon (10) and qtyFulfilled of Curry (2),
      "amendabilityCutOffDate": 1684135989000,
      "preferredPickupTime": "13:00-17:00",
      "items": [
          "name": "Salmon",
          "qtyFulfilled": 10,
          "sku": "19739731408",
          "size": "2.5 kg",
          "shipmentsInfo": [
              "qty": 5,
              "orderId": "49e74qjnkprp1to4"
              "qty": 6,
              "orderId": "49e74qjn1prp1to4"
          "minimumExpiryDate": 1770357600000,
          "qty": 11,
          "vpc": "19739731408",
          "imageUrl": "",
          "rpc": 123456
          "name": "Curry",
          "qtyFulfilled": 2,
          "sku": "19739731408",
          "size": "2.5 kg",
          "shipmentsInfo": [
              "qty": 2,
              "orderId": "49e74qjnkprp1to4"
          "minimumExpiryDate": 1770357600000,
          "qty": 2,
          "vpc": "19739731408",
          "imageUrl": "",
          "rpc": 123456
      "pickedAt": 1684136189000,
      "id": 123,
      "status": "pickedup",
      "category": "Dry",
      "qtyCount": 13 // sum of qty of Salmon (11) and qty of Curry (2)



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    scheduledAt integer(int64) true none Epoch milliseconds of scheduled pick up time
    qtyFulfilledCount integer(int32) true none Sum of quantity of all picked up items in the actual job
    amendabilityCutOffDate integer(int64) false none Epoch milliseconds after which pickup job cannot be amended (if available)
    preferredPickupTime string false none Preferred pickup time/range specified by seller (if applicable)
    items [PickupItem] true none List of items being picked up
    pickedAt integer(int64) false none Epoch milliseconds of actual pickup time
    id integer(int64) true none Pickup job id
    status string true none Pickup job status. Refer to JobStatus for more details
    category string true none Category of products being picked up, e.g. dry, fresh, frozen, etc
    qtyCount integer(int32) true none Sum of quantity of all items in the scheduled job


      "name": "Salmon",
      "qtyFulfilled": 10,
      "sku": "19739731408",
      "size": "2.5 kg",
      "shipmentsInfo": [
          "qty": 5,
          "orderId": "49e74qjnkprp1to4"
          "qty": 6,
          "orderId": "49e74qjn1prp1to4"
      "minimumExpiryDate": 1770357600000,
      "qty": 11,
      "vpc": "19739731408",
      "imageUrl": "",
      "rpc": 123456



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    name string true none Name of item
    qtyFulfilled integer(int32) false none Quantity of the item being picked up in actual job
    sku string true none Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) code for the item
    size string false none The size or dimensions of the item (if available)
    shipmentsInfo [ShipmentInfo] false none List of orders for the pickup of this item
    minimumExpiryDate integer(int64) false none Minimum expiry date of item in epoch milliseconds
    qty integer(int32) true none Quantity of the item to be picked up in scheduled job
    vpc string false none Variant product code of a parent SKU
    imageUrl string false none The URL of the image associated with the item (if available)
    rpc integer(int64) true none The RPC (RedMart Product Code) of an item


      "qty": 6,
      "orderId": "49e74qjn1prp1to4"



    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    qty integer(int32) true none Quantity of item
    orderId string true none Unique identifier of the order




    Possible Job Status

    Query using values in string column.

    Status String Description
    Pending "pending" Job pending
    PickupArrived "arrived" Driver arrived
    PickedUp "pickedup" Items picked up
    Cancelled "cancelled" Job cancelled
    PickupFailed "failed" Pickup failed


    The Partner API uses the following error codes:

    Error Code Meaning
    400 Bad Request -- Your request is semantically invalid, e.g. it contains a number where a string is expected or it's missing a mandatory parameter.
    401 Unauthorized -- Your oauth2 access-token is absent, invalid or expired.
    403 Forbidden -- Your oauth2 access-token is valid but its scope does not grant you access to this operation.
    404 Not Found -- The specified resource could not be found.
    409 Conflict -- Your request conflicts with the current state of the resource, e.g. you're setting a product stock's quantityAtPickupLocation to a value lower than its current quantityScheduledForPickup resulting in its quantityAvailableForSale being negative.
    412 Unprocessable Entity -- Your request is semantically valid but it cannot be processed, e.g. because its date parameter 'from' is greater than its 'till'.
    422 Precondition Failed -- One or more conditions given in the request header fields evaluated to false when tested on the server, e.g. the if-match header of your update-stock-lot request did not match the current stock on RedMart side.
    429 Too Many Requests -- You're triggering our rate limiter! Slow down!
    500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
    503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.